Monday, February 09, 2004

Language, language...

Opening of this week's parasha makes me wish that I had room to carry more than just the Pocket Tanakh that I carry with me... I'm sure there's much commentary on the points that I've got, but I'll try to find them later:

1) Why is Yitro referred to by name in the beginning of the first section, but only by the appelation "Choten Moshe" at the end? For that matter, why is he simply "Yitro" when he praises G-d, but "Yitro, Choten Moshe" when he brings sacrifices? Would he not be allowed to bring offerings otherwise?

2) When Yitro sends word to Moshe that he's on his way, he says "I am coming, and your wife and her two sons are with her. Seems like an odd structure. Would seem to make more sense to say "and your wife and your sons are with me, no?


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