"And so, you and I
We watch our years go by
We watch our sweet dreams fly
Far away
But maybe someday
I don't know when
But we will dream again
And we'll be happy then
Till our time
Just drifts away"
-- Harry Chapin, "Dreams go By"
Thirty-one. Dang, I'm old (and late in posting... the big day was Sunday, but who's counting?).
Birthday time has gone from being a time of "ooh! What did I get?" to "So, just what did I do with the time?" Accomplishment #1, of course:

Maybe someday I'll be able to look at my son and breathe at the same time, but it ain't happened yet. His health and growth are overwhelmingly due to the magnificent efforts of The Lovely Wife(tm), who has "excelled them all" in her care of him.
Accomplishment #2, pulled off just before the birthday deadline: a major promotion involving a 20% pay increase and about a 4,000% responsibility and headache increase. Oh, well: I was getting too complacent anyway.
Things I Didn't Do: finish my thesis before my son was born, significantly advance our aliyah plans, update this blog as much as I wanted, keep up with my learning, or see enough people that I miss.