NYUk, Nyuk, Nyuk
NY Times this morning has a piece on an NYU student who lived in the Bobst Library subbasement for a few months. My favorite part is the "try to make something sound good of this" quote from John Beckman, a University spokesman:
N.Y.U. doesn't attract just smart students, it attracts smart, eclectic students... We had a film student who wanted to film a couple performing a live sex act in front of a class. We had students who set up a swimming pool in their dorm room. Now we have this fellow."Since when is filming a live sex act in front of a class a "smart" or "eclectic" thing to do? Anyhow, this guy didn't do anything new... heck, we had Cooper students crashing the Bobst study rooms regularly (although I think they were only open 24 hours during finals time back then), to say nothing of living in the school newspaper office, the study room, and the TV lounge.
Oh, if you were wondering why your electric bills were so high, it's because you've been contributing to my wardrobe. One of our nifty benifits includes reimbursement for purchase of safety shoes, and I just made a small addition to my sartorial splendor from the monthly shoemobile (no, it doesn't play any merry jingles as it moves around the complex. Would you play the "Mr. Softee Theme" if you knew you were around a bunch of people in steel-toed shoes?).
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