Sunday, October 09, 2005

He's Just a Broadway Baby...

*sigh* there are so many cutesy/clever things I want to say, but I'm much too tired.

Welcome to the world, baby Efrex. You've chosen possibly the least qualified person of all time as a father, but he promises to dedicate every fiber of his being to upgrade those qualifications. In the meantime, may you always know that you are loved dearly, and may you never feel less loved than you are right now.

For the statistically minded:

Gender: Male
Height: 21.5 inches
Weight: 4110 grams, or 9 pounds, 1oz
Date/Time of delivery: Thursday, October 6, 5:34pm
Method of delivery: C-section ("from his mother's womb/untimely ripp'd!" No, we're not naming him MacDuff)

The Lovely Wife(tm) is recovering on schedule, and everyone should be home in a day or two.