Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Political drug-gery

Through Josh Marshall, I found President Bush's address to the Commerce Department from this afternoon. Now, the President spoke a bit about Social Security and class action lawsuits, and assorted political stuff, which readers of this here blog may or may not agree with. One paragraph, however, jumped out at me:
It is important, for the sake of this country and for the sake of our economy, to have a fair answer to a problem that is escalating. The problem is people are filing suits all over the country in a state courthouse that's affecting people in other states. And oftentimes businesses are getting drug into it, or people are getting drug into it that are unaware they're getting drug into it, and if they are getting drug into it, when there's finally a settlement, they don't get much. And the people -- the lawyers get a lot.

I can live with a colloquial mispronounciation of "nuclear" (I'm a New Yorker married to a New Englander; we've gotta be tolerant of alternate verbal stylings). I do wish, however, that the leader of the free world would know what the past tense of "drag" is. My high school English teacher, Miss Mayefsky, of blessed (and feared) memory, would have threatened grevious bodily harm to anyone daring to use such language in her classroom.

Okay, that's enough politics for this month...


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